[Congrats to Edam for being my 200th follower! Check out his website, it's super cool!]

Today, on the 12th of November, 2018, I reached 200 followers! Which is a crazy number. There's not much to say that I didn't say on my 100th follower special (which I need to reupload at some point...), so I'll leave the gushing out of this one for the most part. But I still have some things to say.

First of all, thanks to everyone who helped make Districts a success, I know I'm not the project leader or the one who came up with the idea, but I put a lot of hard work in all the same. It's so great to see the project thrive like it is. Sebastian is very tired but he has a subtle smile on his face.

Secondly, thank you to the close friends I've made since my 100th follower special, namely mariteaux, Cheren, Neo and DCB! You've all been absolutely amazing to talk to and you've helped me improve as a person. Here's to things staying so great!


You lot in the Districts Discord Server are pretty fun to talk to as well, so thanks to you too!

Sorry I'm not doing requests this time, I'm pretty busy at the moment. I might do something during the Christmas holidays, so look forward to that!

There's not much else I can say other than thank you, I love you people and here's to 300! (Jokes, jokes...)

Bye guys! :D