Gwta on Holiday

I'm currently on holiday in Devon, which means two things. One; I'm not doing any work! Not a single thing. And two; I'm away from my PC and therefore away from my graphics tablet. But no worries! I do have a book of paper and pencils, like they used in the good old days! I've been drawing with that when I'm not asleep or with family.

I'll be on holiday until next monday, (20/08/18) then I will be able to draw digitally again. Which I'm looking forward to. But it is nice to draw pencil to paper, I'm out of practice.

Until then, have some of my traditional doodles, done today. (WARNING: Big images! Open in new tab to see full view.)

bergerac and poirot on holiday squishy guinea pig

(Bergerac is chasing seagulls!)

By the way, if I draw anything else I think is worth sharing, I'll post an update. I have some colouring pencils I haven't tried using, so hopefully those will be good.

Also, check out my new shoes! Sparkly! (Sorry about the awful quality, I used my webcam.)

rainbow shoes

Just so you guys know, the Art Gallery is almost complete. All I have to do is add some more drawings to it once I get home, then I'll be able to post it. Sorry about such a long wait, I hadn't figured out how to display it and I didn't draw for a little while which screwed things up. I want to put up the Art Gallery once there's a decent amount of new art in it and I just wasn't making anything. But I'm slowly getting back up to speed.

And thankyou so much to everyone who wished Murdoch the best and were so kind when she passed on. I like to think she's hanging out with her great aunts Sali and Mali in a great big grassy field in the sky. Thankyou all so, so much. It's really appreciated.
